Detroit born and raised Zeena Parkins, takes inspiration from the utopian vision for living of the experimental case study home program (1945-66) in LA. The label shares Parkins’ musical activities and collaborations, in fits and bursts.

Live at San Damiano Mission
2019, Chaikin Records and Case Study Records co-releaseBrian Chase and Zeena Parkins
Chris Cherry — recorded
Brian Chase — mixed. mastered

Thinking in Stitches
2019, Case Study RecordsGreen Dome
Ryan Ross Smith, Ryan Sawyer, Zeena Parkins
Shazad Ismaily Figure 8 Studio, Brooklyn — recorded
D James Goodwin, Isokon, Woodstock — mixed, mastered

$Shot, Lacey/Lauro/Parkins/Cornell
2003, Case Study RecordsZeena Parkins — foley, tambura, oscillator, ring modulator, casio keyboard, radio
Douglas Henderson, Micro-Moose Studio in Brooklyn — recorded, mixed
Mastered David Kean, Audities, Calgary, Cananda — mastered
The initial release on Case Study Records was commissioned for live performance by choreographer Jennifer Lacey. Presented in exquisite limited editions: felt, ceramic and plastic packaging. Canadian artist Chris Faulkner designed and fabricated the felt and ceramic pieces and French visual artist Nadia Lauro designed the plastic travel pillows imprinted with images from the live performance.